Chain cleaning needn't be challenging. Graham from our Edinburgh shop shows you how to perform this routine bike maintenance drill in 5 minutes on our latest video.
But what if you've let your transmission go? Your bike chain, cogs, jockey wheels and chainrings are completely gunged up and you would really rather not go near them? (Despite the best of intentions, most of us have been there.) Our Service Centres (we have one at every Bike Co-op shop) are equipped to offer a full drivetrain cleaning service.
Drivetrain Cleaning Service
Rather than simply cleaning the drivetrain in situ, a mechanic will don a fresh pair of latex gloves and remove the gear mechs, chainset, cassette and chain. All these parts will be individually blasted with degreaser in a parts' washer tank, scrubbed, surgically cleaned and dried before being refitted to the bike. The standard charge for this service is just £15. Our drivetrain cleaning service is extremely popular so we recommend that you book in advance by phoning us on 0845 257 0808 or 0131 331 5010.
Why Bother?
The chain is the beating heart of the bicycle. A clean, lubricated chain runs smoother and quieter and makes riding your bike a more enjoyable experience. Regular cleaning and lubing can boost the chain's life expectancy by a factor or 3. Even more important, a dirty unlubricated chain will wear out more expensive parts, such as the chainrings and cassette, far quicker.
I remember reading (so many years ago, I've forgotten where) that the humble bicycle chain accounts for more than half your bicycle's moving parts. It therefore pays to look after it. Your bank balance and your trouser cuffs will concur.
Products used in our video
- GT85 is a very light, penetrative lubricant with PTFE.
- Doubles as a protective polish that leaves a dirt-resistant Teflon finish on the frame.
- Doubles as a household/auto lube and water dispersant.